Ted singing with JirehOne of the great pleasures for me in singing with Jireh Gospel Choir is performing in front of audiences that have not experienced what we're singing about. Music can change lives - it's powerful. How much more powerful when the spirit of God himself breathes into the songs and calls people to himself through them.

At a recent concert of sacred choral music in Montreal, the atmosphere of the cavernous church building gave me a greater feeling of death than of life. I was so happy when it finally came to our part in the program and we could name Jesus' name and sing of the life that we know in him. I think that is what gives me the greatest pleasure in this singing - being a representative of Jesus and singing of something that will last forever. On University Avenue in Toronto, the centre of the powers in Canada, we sang (from the Hallelujah chorus) "The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever". When I sing powerful words like that in public, and I know that they are true, it is as if I experience God's power filling me as I sing. Jireh is special to me because of the way we boldly proclaim truth and speak openly of God's salvation in Jesus. We don't sing anything that is watered down so that it might be more acceptable to secular audiences. I admire that boldness, something that God has gifted Carol with. I sing knowing I am a testimony of someone who is both the creator of the universe and the lover of our souls. I feel so blessed to be able to proclaim God's word and God's praise in this way.

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