The web-page on my site titled Psalm8.htm is different than all the other pages that I have designed to date. Associated with this page is the Flash file Psalm8.swf created in Corel Rave v. 2 which is able to export Flash files. What is the advantage of doing a web-page in Flash format? Flash is essentially vector graphics which means that it is scalable - the image will fit the width of the viewer's browser. My other pages are designed for a browser width of around 600 pixels. If the viewer's browser is wider than that there will be white space; narrower and there will be scroll bars needed in order to see the complete image. You'll notice that there is a bitmap background to the Psalm8 web-page, though. This scales as well, though the background image is 800x600 px, so the quality of the image will degrade the more that it is enlarged. The text of Psalm 8, however scales and does not degrade because it is vector.


To see a tutorial file on how to create web-pages like this with Corel Rave 2 or 3 (with a Flash end result) click here.